Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tree 2010 (and some other stuff).

I know these pictures are blurry but I wasn't about to run out and get the tripod from the garage. Plus that "night scenery" setting captures the color in the room so well – I'm sacrificing clarity.

Even with the perfect snowstorm last night – it truly was beautiful outside – it still doesn't really feel like Christmas time to me? I can hardly believe it's in 3 days? Maybe because I didn't do a bunch of art projects? To be honest I still feel pretty art-projected out. I didn't do as much around the house either. I broke so many of the glass ball ornaments last year I could hardly believe it. Then Target didn't have the $2 boxes of plain old red and gold ones I like. They were all glittery designs and "sateen". So I didn't do a few bunches here and there that I normally do. Which actually is just fine.

Then my 1-year old light strands were dead. The lights at Target were all that LED blue-white kind, which I caved in and bought even though I knew I'd never be able to stand them. I find the atmosphere they create awful! (Sorry if you have them). So, I ended up putting them outside. They still bug me but are not as offensive considering the limited amount of time that I actually see them. Then I got some great lights at a good ole hardware store and I am quite thrilled with the glow inside now.

The winter berries. I LOVE them. Here's something I don't get. They were $3.50/branch cheaper this year – $1.50 less than they were two years ago. The price of these things really fluctuates and I wonder why? Even with the price drop, these are a splurge. The ones from Stems & Twigs in WS are so solid and long and perfect. I'd love to have them all over my house, but I stop at a vase full. I think they are totally worth it and totally wonderful.

Anyway, now that I finally have the mood right in the house, a poinsettia, my parents have arrived, and for the first time in YEARS I'm not rushing around like a lunatic finishing all the gifts at the last minute, I'm hoping the next 4 days I can just settle into the holiday. I'm looking forward to some long visits, the real deal hot cocoa, and enjoying making and eating some good food.

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