All of us Chicagoeans have been watching the newscasts for the past few days skeptically. What's a little snow? A little wind? So what if it's accompanied by lightening and thunder. This is Chicago after all.
I wish I could record it with justice, and frankly, I can't wait to get out tomorrow to take some pictures.
Even though we are Chicago, and we are fully functional and equipped for it, I love it when the weather throws for a loop, and shuts even this place down. It really is doing that today. I just stood in my front doorway to grab this shot before cowering back inside from the cold and wind. It's blowing so hard the house shakes. When I got home from my hour and 45 minute commute, on roads that lacked actual lanes, I had to dig out the drift in front of my door to get inside – after my neighbor had already generously shoveled for me.
To tell you the truth, I'd like it to keep on coming down and put this place at a stand-still for a day or two. I mean, if we're saying 'Don't go anywhere' and people aren't, it is for good reason. But really, I still have power. Even though I can hear the wind and watch the snow accumulate by the hour, I can still chat online, listen to music, and cook if I decide I'd like to. I'm also blessed that in a matter of minutes I could have these things, and company if I need it, should I find myself wanting or without.
No power would suck. And so would having no place to go or nowhere to feel warm. So look at that, another reason to count blessings. And stay in. And slow down. And remember all the good in our lives, instead of cursing the snow and the immobility it causes, every 10 years or so.
I invite you to embrace the snow day! Yay!
PS: For some video, visit Steves local
LGP Adventure Sports blog.