My Mom painted this pine tree branch and made greeting cards out of the original. Isn't it great? I totally had to steal it out of the pack because I feel like she wasn't planning on sending me one.
Has everyone been eating and drinking like I have? Man, I packed it in over the past few days (and weeks). My house guests have now departed and it's that odd in-between week where things kind of hang at a standstill while we gear up for the start of the new year. I feel really ready to welcome 2011 for some reason. I'm going to make a list of goals for this year.
This Christmas I felt really blessed and grateful for my wonderful friends and family. More than once I thought about how lucky I am. Things felt very "holiday" this year. It snowed perfect snows and the tone was one of packing a house full night after night and melding personalities with a nice balance of chaos and calm. Looking back I can't believe all the things we did over the past week. It was a whirlwind for sure, but we got a lot of quality time together too.
Are you making "resolutions" for 2011?